Saturday, January 4, 2014


2013 was a big year for Chyna. She moved to Japan and started a new life and career as an English teacher. Chyna has a bachelors degree in English Literature and previously taught in Costa Rica during her time in the peace corps, but the class room Chyna taught in during the early 90s while in Costa Rica was much less efficient the the state of the art classroom she teaches in now in the Yokohama area .

"I always wanted to be a teacher. An offer came up so I went with it." Chyna said. Although not everything is perfect Japanese is nothing like English so despite now being fluent in Japanese there are occasionally communication problems Chyna admits. "I'm teaching students in another language how to speak my language so it's a communication problem at times."

Despite an occasional communication issue Chyna seems to be loving life in Japan and after a fantastic 2013, Chyna hopes to make 2014 even better.

Chyna posted her New Year's resolutions on her twitter page @chynatheicon

"I want to be happy and healthy while making a living for myself....To have my business up and running and living a happy life. And I have to get a Gucci bag."


  1. I love you and we all your fans care about you

  2. Congrads!!! Good luck in your future endeavors always a fan Donnie Farrelly

  3. KOnichiwa Chyna san, i was stationed in Yokosuka for 8 yrs. I love japan. Left after the earthquake. Glad to hear you are getting healthy. Still a fan after all these years. Mata ne


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