Friday, December 11, 2009


2009 was one of the most successful years for Chyna in nearly half a decade. From movies to music videos, radio shows to a fashion book Chyna had a year full of successful projects. Already 2010 is looking like it's going to be another big year for Chyna as she prepares to embark on a new career as a fashion designer, while continuing her career in modeling and acting.

In early 2010 a new movie from Highlander Films called A Night At the Silent Movie Theater featuring Chyna is set to be released on to DVD. By the summer Chyna and stylist Emillio O plan on launching their own fashion line, shortly there after it is expected that Chyna's 3rd book, a project she has been working on along side Judith Regan and Denis Hoff will be released around the nation.

Chyna's accomplishments since leaving the WWE have exceeded anyone's expectations. Although several years ago Chyna's life was spinning out of control and her career was being quieted by depression, Chyna managed to take life by the reigns and re-gain focus of her life and career. Now Chyna is happier and healthier than she's ever been and is enjoying the success that goes along with it..

"If on little abandoned abused girl, can rise to grow up and do so many great things, imagine what the future could hold" Chyna said in a recent blog entry on her official website. "I will continue, always to reach for the stars and wish, wish wish for myself, and all of us."

While life comes with no guarantees and no promises, one thing that holds true is hard work and dedication will lead everyone to their dreams. Just look at Chyna if you need proof.

From the first female Intercontinental Champion to Playboy model, actress up and coming fashion designer and model. Chyna -The 9th Wonder of the World.


  1. Chyna is still a beautiful and sexy woman. I wish her all of the best - she's had enough crap in her life.

  2. Yeah we wish you all the best Chyna! Hopefully we'll get to see you beat the heck out of someone again (men or women) but enjoy yourself in the meantime. We love you!

  3. CHYNAA! kick ass girl! and never loose ur arms and lats... i still think you were the best in 3rd rock!

  4. Chyna, come back to wrestling!!! It doesn't matter if it is WWE or TNA, but come back!

  5. Chyna, you rock! Don't let anyone put u down!

  6. Chyna, you were my hero growing up. You showed me that no one can put me down for anything. Thank you for being a great role model. I wish you the best and it would be awesome to see you in the ring again. I bet you can kick ass better than ever lol!


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