Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Chyna is now 39 years old, but the former fitness competitor & professional wrestler is looking younger as each year passes. Chyna, a former WWE Intercontinental Champion & the only Undefeated Women's Champion has been in over a dozen feature films since leaving the WWE and recently released a very sexy fashion book in the spring of 2009. She is currently waiting on the release of yet another feature film with Highlander Films and book project with former Harpor Collins publisher, Judith Regan (WAM Studios).

Chyna has recently given herself a full body & mind make over. After overcoming several years of abuse and trauma brought on by a bad relationship with a former boyfriend. Since the make over Chyna has never seemed happier, looks years younger and has been having a lot more success over the past few years than she has in a quite a long time.

Hollywood's obsession with youth is growing more rapidly and to be successful in your 30's and 40's you must be able to look as good as your counter parts in their 20's and that's just what Chyna is doing.

Chyna's diet consists of mainly fruits and vegetables, along with health drinks and vitamins and of course rigid yoga and piliaties routines that would have even the most youthful celebrities throwing in the towel.

"My fitness regime is based on a strength building and cardio workout. I do not use weights anymore, even though sometimes I feel like I want to, however I have been using my own weight via Pilates, and Yoga which is so hard it’s unbelievable the different kind of strength you build."
Chyna said on her official site 9thwonderoftheworld.com "I never use to do cardio and now I spin, dance, walk fast, I love all the stepmills, and machines and I definitely, definitely am building some cardio endurance and learning how to breathe, and my physique is “longer” more streamlined. It has been completely different from that explosive heavy armored strength, to an open vulnerable overall strength inside and out. It’s quite amazing."

Chyna's wrestling and dance background has also helped her keep up with Hollywood's youngest stars and has put her in the driver's seat for her new career in high fashion. Chyna's recently released fashion book "Paper Doll" showed off a side of Chyna that the world had never seen and showed she can be a heavy hitter in the world of editorial modeling.

In 2010 Chyna and fashion photographer/stylist to the stars Emillio O will be launching their own fashion line and in the world of high fashion being in shape is key. At 39 years old Chyna looks better now than she did in her mid 30's and she owes it all to hard work, healthy living and hours at the gym. Of course making it big in the world of modeling and acting isn't all about looks, it also requires talent and drive, two things Chyna defiantly has.

There is no doubt Chyna will probably always be best known as the number one female wrestling champion of the world. With that however Chyna has made a huge mark in the world of acting with dozens of feature film projects, guest television spots, reality TV shows and hosting gigs, with many more to come. As for modeling, Chyna, already a best selling author and Playboy model has a lot of talent, the right look and it's merely a matter of time before Chyna shoots to the top of the high fashion world the same way she did in professional wrestling.

As far as staying in shape goes Chyna has a very simple philosophy that can work for anyone of any age, "The message here is stay active, have fun." Chyna said on her official website. "If I want a day off, I take it, and I do not beat my body up! This feels like the right way to do it. Even without the wrestling, of which I excelled, the born athlete in me enjoys every workout and I have and will continue to give myself that gift of health for the rest of my life! You don’t have to be the best at it, just do it!"

QUOTES FROM ARTICLE WERE PROVIDED BY: www.9thwonderoftheworld.com

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