I am writing this blog against my better judgment, but I wont sit back and let a friend kill herself. I have been a Chyna fan since the mid 90s. I remember watching her in the WWE and New Japan. She was an amazing athlete and wrestler. She put on convincing matches and fought the toughest men in the world to become a wrestling legend. Her legacy in wrestling will live on for hundreds of years.
Outside of wrestling Chyna has accomplished so much in the film and television industry. Her most recent work includes feature film roles in "The Cougar Club", "Illegal Aliens", "A Night At the Silent Movie Theater", "Losing Control" and "The Grave", along with amazing work in the modeling field with 2 stunning issues of Playboy and her own high fashion book, "Paper Doll". She also appeared in a music video with the band Lovechild and guest hosted several radio shows on LA Radio over the past few years. Her personal life had made a lot of news over the past 5 years as Chyna battled depression, abuse and much more, but after a stint in rehab at the Pasadena Recovery Center in 2007 Chyna seemed to have turned her life around.
Chyna began seeing a therapist and devoted herself back to fitness and living a healthy life. She ditched the party scenes and moved into a new home in Burbank and landed several feature film roles. This is around the time that I started talking with Chyna personally. I had been in contact with her agents and managers for several years, but one day instead of hearing from her agents, Chyna sent me an e-mail from her personal address. We talked frequently and soon there after Chyna gave me her cell number and home address. Even though we live on opposite ends of the country, we would talk several times a week and she started to become my friend.
Even though Chyna still had some issues with depression, she had come a long way from where she was. Chyna surrounded herself with positive people in her life and got a great group of people around her.
It wasn't until January of this year when I started noticing frequently that things didn't seem right with Chyna. I got several bizarre calls from Chyna where she didn't seem coherent. After I got off the phone with her that day I immediately phoned her friend Christian, who lived in the same apartment building as Chyna and told him that Chyna was acting rather bizarrely. He went over and checked on her, a few days later Chyna sent me an e-mail and she seemed alright again. Finally, that weekend when I spoke with her again over the phone and everything seemed ok so I thought nothing of it. Several days later I got an e-mail from Chyna's publicist saying she was moving out of the country and she was going
to close her official site. I began to worry again because in 2003 Chyna closed a previous official site she had after going through some very tough turmoil in her life. I was able
to get a hold of Chyna and she assured me she was ok and was just going to move away for a while, but was still going to focus on her career. Still in my mind I knew something wasn't right. It wasn't like Chyna (or anyone) to move out-of-the-blue after re-modeling their home. I knew Chyna had problems with some people in her life, former friends and a former boyfriend who she recently broke up
with, and thought it might have had something to do with that. I still stayed in touch with Chyna for several months after her "move".
It wasn't until March 2010 that I began to get really worried about Chyna's safety and well being. She had stopped reading and responding to all e-mails. She was signed to several movie deals,
which start production later this year, but people in Chyna's network of close friends had said Chyna seemed to be exhibiting odd behaviors. Finally Chyna stopped answering everyone's calls and currently is "not accepting incoming calls".
I have not directly communicated with Chyna since late March/early April, neither have any of her close group of friends. I recently learned of Chyna's whereabouts and the fact that she didn't actually
leave the country, she has been hiding out in an expensive hotel, for reasons that I am unaware of.
The few people around Chyna have expressed concerns about her heavily drinking again since the middle of February. I have for the past 2 months been trying with no luck to get people in her inner-circle to help her, to get her to a hospital or rehab, if needed. Chyna takes medication to help with her sleeping and depression and if mixed with alcohol the results can be fatal.
My intentions with the blog is NOT to embarrass Chyna, it's not to stir up controversy, it's to BEG anyone out there whom I have not tried contacting who may know where Chyna is staying or how to get in touch with her to do whatever it takes to get Chyna help and save her life!
I understand addiction is a disease of the brain. It isn't enough to want to stop and many people require loads of treatment. It's nothing to be ashamed of and certainly nothing that ANYONE has the right to judge someone else for and that's not what I am trying to do. However over the past few months my efforts to get people who are near Chyna to convince her to go to rehab have fallen on deaf ears. Many of the people are afraid to say something out of fear she will cut them out of her life, but those people are simply enabling her to continue to abuse alcohol and that will be Chyna's death if she doesn't get help soon! If she dies she is out of everyone's life!
You can not force someone to get help but you can do everything in your power to make sure they know how you feel and to make sure help is ready if they need it. An addict will not go alone and right now Chyna is alone and that is the deadliest place for her to be. I didn't want to write this blog, never mind publish it on this site. But I decided if I didn't reach out to everyone I could who knows Chyna then I was no better than the people who are enabling her. I don't live near Chyna and I only know a small handful of her friends, but I know many of them visit this site, so anyone out there who knows where Chyna is now or knows how to get in contact with her, please do what you can to try and save her life.
I have remained silent about this as long as I can. I will not sit by in silence any longer and let my friend, who came so far in recovery die of an accidental overdose.CHYNA WILL DIE IF SHE DOESN'T GET HELP SOON!
When you drink with medication, as Chyna has before and I believe Chyna is doing now, your heart can stop instantly and you can die within seconds.
I realize writing this blog may mean that Chyna will never want to be friends with me again, I hope that's not the case, but I'd rather have Chyna live, hating me than have her die liking me. I also couldn't live with myself if Chyna did die and I didn't do everything in my power to try and help her.
I don't know Chyna's current financial situation, it is my understanding from her and others around her that she still has several million dollars to her name but even if she has no money there are several options, the WWE offers free rehab to any former stars who may need it (they pay for everything). I would also be willing to provide financial help for any recovery weather it's counciling, rehab or whatever. So Chyna if you happen to read this please know I love you, I don't want you to die, and I want you to get help, please do it for yourself, your two little dogs who would be without a mommy and your millions of fans around the world. When you hurt yourself, you hurt all of us. None of us are going to judge you, you have been through a lot of horrible things in your life, it's understandable that there is a lot of pain, but there can be happiness outside of this pain, you know this Chyna, you have been there before and can get there again!
TO ALL THE VIEWERS OF THIS WEBSITE: This website WILL remain up and running with regular updates as usual. I will be a Chyna fan for life. I know this is unorthodox of the usual updates but I hope everyone understands my ONLY purpose in doing this is to get Chyna help so she can live a long happy, healthy life because if she doesn't get help, forget the fact that she wont get very much work again, that's minor, if she doesn't get help, she wont LIVE. I also wanted to say that Chyna is a good person! She is caring, kind hearted and would do anything for a friend. Right now Chyna is just sick and needs her true friends and true fans support more than ever.
Thanks for reading,
Webmaster, thanks so much for posting this. Hopefully, some friends in close proximity to Chyna will try to assist with whatever she is going through.
ReplyDeleteIt's all speculation, though. Celebrities receive threats frequently, and some of them seem more believable than others. Is it possible that she is hiding from potential danger, rather than indulging her previous alcohol addiction?
Anyway, keep us updated. This woman has the potential to do so much more, and we all want to know that she will continue to pursue her passions.
Thank you for this article, and hopefully Chyna will read this.
ReplyDeletePlease tell me that there is some way you can get this to her because this is something she really needs to read.
ReplyDeleteI have been in this position before. I had a family member who drank themselves to death. The lesson I learned is when you love someone, and they need help the only thing you can do is hope they will get help, after you talk to them about your concern, If they get help, that is good. But like my situation, if they ignore the problm then you watch them die. The hardest lesson I learn in psycology, How do you hurt someone? You make them look t a part of themselves they don't want to look at.
ReplyDeleteHow do you help/cure someone? You make themselves look at a part of themselves them don't want to look at. Whats the diffrence? If they want help they will be willing to look at that part of themselves.It is hard to have to look at and accept some things we choose to do, which messed our lives up, were are own fault and choice. Me include.
Dear Chyna if you read this I have been a big fan of Chyna eversince I laid eyes on you. You have such a captivating beauty along with brawn and muscles that to me is a real woman. I would give anything to meet you Chyna Even my life. I wish so much I could meet you if you red this Email me at Garnersai@hotmail.com Jesse
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ReplyDeleteNow you understand. I knew this day would come and you'd be in this position. Good Luck to you Ian.
ReplyDeleteWhy has WWE not stepped in..
ReplyDeleteA couple of corrections...Chyna (unfortunately) does not have millions of dollars and her dogs were adopted out (one of them by Gabriella...).....
ReplyDeleteI am so sad to hear this. I wish I could do something to help. My thoughts go out to Chyna and I am sending positive vibes her way!
ReplyDeleteShe is going to die unless she realizes she needs help and gets it!
ReplyDeleteI hope she get well,im having bad times and I have her picture next to my bed and every time I feel im going down I look at her and I feel protected, hope she realize she can do it with herself if she can do it with me, that im so far away. Greetings from Spain, love Chyna, always.
I love you Chyna please get help!
ReplyDeleteChyna, you are my hero and an angel sent to grace us on this earth- You are a true artist and women like you come in rare form.... I'm a gay male and have had people judge me all my life like you have and you're the reason that I began training at Jimmy Valiant's Pro Wrestling Camp, BWC- and YOU ARE MY INSPIRATION- you broke barriers and no matter how many people said slanderous things about you... YOU PROVED THEM WRONG- you're the most accomplished female wrestler to walk this earth and just an amazing woman.... Please, Chyna.... For yourself- you have so much to live for, and addictions suck- I know =/ but you are stronger than that. I believe in you- YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND CAN BACK IT UP WITH A UNIQUE BRAIN AND ARTISTIC POINT OF VIEW... You liberated me and allowed me to fully live my life and helped me overcome addictions and adversity. You're a Goddess-
ReplyDeleteYou are the future- you're a legend and you have liberated me... YOU SAVED MY LIFE- Please help me save yours- I LOVE YOU, Miss 9th Wonder... THE 9th Wonder- Keep proving all those bastards wrong. I know you can <3 <3 <3
Has anyone heard from Chyna, i think there should be an update, if possible.