Sunday, November 29, 2015


In 2012 Chyna decided to take a break from the spotlight after going through many struggles in her life including abuse and being rejected by the WWE after her fiance Triple H's infidelities with the boss's daughter, Stephanie McMahon. He would go on to marry her and become the heir to the WWE Throne. Chyna would be ostracized from the WWE, cut off from all royalty checks and spiral into depression, pornography and reality shows to survive.

At the height of the WWE's "Attitude" era CHYNA was a top-tier, top earning athlete in a male dominated sport. Winning the women's world title, the Intercontinental Title three times, and being the number one contender for the heavyweight crown. She conquered fame outside of the WWE as a best selling author, Playboy playmate and regular on several popular network TV shows.

Chyna escaped to Japan where she spent 3 years out of the spotlight, teaching English, doing yoga, mediating, praying and getting back on her feet. 2015 started off quiet for Chyna. Chyna woke up on New Year's day did her yoga, and went off to teach English. Chyna stayed in touch with fans through her youtube videos but for the most part had all but stayed out of the public eye in order to rebuild.

Around May 2015 Chyna had deleted her youtube account, and had gone totally quiet, leaving many to wonder if she would return, but for Chyna the return back the USA was already in the works. On June 5 Chyna shocked her fans when she landed in New York and began filming for her documentary "The Reconstruction of Chyna". Fans and media were blown away by how healthy and peaceful Chyna seemed. She started a world wide media tour appearing on "Opie and Jim Norton" radio show, shooting interviews for "Vice Sports", being featured on "Inside Edge" and dozens of other radio and internet shows.

Chyna began a fund raising campaign for her documentary "The Reconstruction of Chyna", which will follow Chyna across the country as she rediscovers herself with old friends, celebrities and fans, before arriving in LA to re-start her life. Chyna will be navigating her celebrity and staying healthy." The fund raiser was a huge success and since the fund raiser ended Chyna has been appearing everywhere from Comic Cons, to fan expos and even meet and greets and wrestling shows including Scottish Wrestling Entertainment, NWA Circle City and this December at Maryland Championship Wrestling.

Chyna will continue to make appearances throughout 2016 and is even scheduled to appear on a major television show on E! in early 2016. "The Reconstuction of Chyna" film will be an inspiration to fans everywhere. Chyna is a living example of a strong feminist who rose to stardom in a male dominated sport despite all odds.

Check out more details on "The Reconstruction of Chyna" by visiting To request Chyna for personal appearances or acting or modeling jobs, please e-mail her manager, Anthony Anzaldo at

NOTE: Portions of this article including the documentary description are credit to

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