Saturday, December 17, 2016


Joanie's mother Jan LaQue has released the following statement on her facebook account about the death of her daughter and the pending case involving her tragic passing.

"Hi everyone. I wanted to let everyone know that Joanie's case was closed by the LA medical examiner's office last week which makes it public information now. Finally, after 8 long months of waiting. The cause of death is listed as the combined effects of drugs and alcohol, not just the two drugs as has been previously reported on numerous occasions. The LA County coronor investigator who worked Joanie's case and the LA County medical examiner have been very helpful and supportive of me as I've gone through these long months of waiting. I am very grateful for that. Joanie would have been 47 this December 27th, so it will be a very sad day for me, my husband who loved her, and her family."

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